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Deploy on your own


Must Haves

You will need:


  • Slack incoming webhook (optional)
  • Discord incoming webhook (optional)


  1. Fork the repo Base Repo how to fork

  2. Navigate to your new GitHub repository > Settings > Secrets and add the following secrets (DO NOT SHARE!!!):


  • CF_API_TOKEN: Your Cloudflare API token

  • CF_ACCOUNT_ID: Cloudflare Dashboard > Workers > Overview > Account ID (on the right side)

  • SECRET_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL (optional): your-slack-webhook-url

  • SECRET_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL (optional): your-discord-webhook-url

  1. Navigate to the GitHub repository > Settings > Actions > General in your repository and allow all actions and reusable workflows

  2. Edit config.yaml to adjust configuration and list all of your websites/APIs you want to monitor

  3. Edit config.ts to adjust configuration of our Vitepress Installation

  4. Push to main branch to trigger the deployment

  5. (optional) Go to Cloudflare Workers settings Cloudflare Dashboard > Workers > Overview and assign custom domain/route

  6. (optional) Edit the CRON Trigger to the Worker settings (Default: every 5 Minutes) Workers Free plan

Telegram notifications

To enable telegram notifications, you'll need to take a few additional steps.

  1. Create a new Bot
  2. Set the api token you received when creating the bot as content of the SECRET_TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN secret in your github repository.
  3. Send a message to the bot from the telegram account which should receive the alerts (Something more than /start)
  4. Get the chat id with curl<YOUR TELEGRAM API TOKEN>/getUpdates | jq '.result[0] .message .chat .id'
  5. Set the retrieved chat id in the SECRET_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID secret variable
  6. Redeploy the status page using the github action

Released under the MIT License.